Goals & Strategy

Mobilising LEAPS substantial collective knowledge, experience and expertise in synchrotron and FEL science and technology, and Research Infrastructure management benefits European science and society. LEAPS also aims to play an integrating role for countries with less developed communities and infrastructure for research and innovation, in Europe and beyond. 

Specifically, LEAPS aims to:

  • encourage and facilitate discussion and exchange among its Members and beyond on issues relevant to the shaping of future science and technology at accelerator-based photon sources with a European perspective;
  • promote and stimulate the efficient, sustainable utilization and further development of all the Synchrotron Radiation (SR) and Free Electron Laser (FEL) facilities in Europe by academic, and industrial researchers and innovators to contribute to finding solutions to the challenges of our societies in Europe and on a global level;
  •  promote scientific excellence, training and education;
  •  inform and shape future European science policies and programs;
  •  increase coordination of access and activities between its Members.

 LEAPS performs the following activities to achieve its goals:

  • coordinates, develops and promotes joint actions and a common strategy across European facilities, in line with the objectives of its Members and external stakeholders, for the benefit of European science, industry and society at large;
  • coordinates efforts to raise funds to support its activities, via relevant funding applications, and endeavours to strengthen its long-term sustainability;
  • organizes meetings, workshops, conferences, and other events in line with its purpose;
  • ensures efficient internal and external communication and dissemination of results towards the scientific communities, political stakeholders, decision-makers, and society;
  • develops and periodically updates landscape documents, roadmaps and/or action plans for key technologies;
  • promotes collaboration with other analytical facilities within Europe (ARIE).

LEAPS has produced since its foundation in 2018 a number of strategic and white papers proposing strategies to develop further the consortium and its members, then recently the LEAPS AISBL. For more details visit:

Strategy Documents