Jakub Szlachetko elected LEAPS Vice Chair

The LEAPS General Assembly, in its meeting at SOLEIL on October 20, 2023, elected Jakub Szlachetko, Director of the SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre, Poland, as the new LEAPS Vice Chair starting from January 1st 2024.

Jakub Szlachetko is Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the director of the SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre.

Jakub Szlachetko, will start his term in January 2024 and is looking forward to working in cooperation with the other two Chairs, Britta Redlich. LEAPS Chair (FELIX) and Jean Daillant, LEAPS Outgoing Chair (SOLEIL).

Jakub expressed his gratitude to the GA for the vote of confidence and his enthusiasm in taking the role of LEAPS Vice Chair.

LEAPS wishes Jakub Szlachetko a successful and fruitful term as incoming LEAPS Vice Chair.