LEAPS participated on June 21st in the events organized as part of the Swedish Presidency week in Lund, Sweden. Over 200 participants of the EU Conference “The Potential of Research Data: How Research Infrastructures Provide New Opportunities and Benefits for Society” toured MAX IV and ESS and met with scientific staff and management for presentations and questions on the research activities of these research infrastructures .
LEAPS was one of the stations in the Max IV facility tour (see photos below). Both LEAPS Chair Jean Daillant and Brita Redlich could present LEAPS activities and goals to a range of governmental representatives, EU ministers, policymakers and delegates, scientific speakers, and guests attended the events. Among the guest was Marc Lemaître, Directorate-General of the Research and Innovation (DG RTD) Directorate of the European Commission. Jean and Britta had a brief but important discussion with Lemaître and could brief the director about LEAPS and the importance of its members joining forces to progress European research and innovation.
“European research Infrastructures play an important role in the development of next generation technologies to better our world. We support our European research communities and industries to drive change through innovative ideas and discoveries. Together, we have the scientific ingenuity and advanced instruments to solve some of society’s greatest challenges,” said Olof Karis, Director of MAX IV.
LEAPS GA and CB members also joined the events and interacted with high-level EU representatives and for the LEAPS General Assembly held on June 22 at MAX IV.
Other high-level meetings took place during the week in Lund as the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC), the attachés to the Working Party of Research, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), the ESS Council, as well as the LEAPS General Assembly on June 22.
LEAPS is grateful to MAX IV, its Director Olof Karis, Franz Hennies, Head of User Officer, and their teams for hosting LEAPS and providing the opportunity for the Consortium to get more visibility and lobbying at EU level.