Light for Ukraine – Synchrotron workshop at SOLARIS

Since February 2022, with the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the activity of the scientific society in Ukraine has been heavily impacted, limiting the realization of research projects on both national and international levels. The European and Intercontinental scientific community is making numerous efforts to support Ukrainian researchers’ projects at home and in exile. 

In light of the current situation, the League of European Accelerator Based-Photon Sources – LEAPS – initiated dedicated activities to support Ukrainian researchers performing their projects using Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers. During the LEAPS Plenary Meeting held at Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland) on 26-28 October 2022, the LEAPS GA expressed a strong desire to support Ukrainian scientific efforts and designated SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre as a coordinating facility to implement and supervise the activities aiming at consolidation and strengthening of the Ukrainian users’ community.

In this context, SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, together with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is organizing a meeting called “Light for Ukraine – Synchrotron Workshop at SOLARIS” which will be held on 23-24 February 2023 as an online event. The workshop aims to establish scientific collaboration, exchange concepts of future developments, and discuss research areas that can be supported and reinforced within LEAPS-Ukraine cooperation. The agenda of the meeting will cover presentations of SOLARIS scientists describing the facility’s capabilities and presentations of Ukrainian researchers on scientific areas of interest. Within the meeting, necessary activities will be outlined and possible pathways to develop the Ukrainian beamline at the SOLARIS facility will be discussed .

The events is chaired by Alexander Kordyuk from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and Jakub Szlachetko from SOLARIS

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