Willy-Wien-Laboratorium Magnusstraße 9
12489 Berlin

About PTB
The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is the National Metrology Institute of Germany with scientific and technical service tasks. PTB measures with the highest accuracy and reliability – metrology as the core competence. PTB stands for progress and reliability in metrology for the benefit of society, trade and industry, and science.
PTB has a worldwide leading position in the use of synchrotron radiation for metrology. Its instrumentation which is unique in Europe covers the spectral range from terahertz to extreme ultra-violet (EUV) at the PTB’s own electron storage ring Metrology Light Source (MLS). The MLS is designed and built to meet dedicated demands for metrology. It is located in the vicinity of the BESSY II storage ring facility in Berlin-Adlershof and started operation in 2008. Already since 1999, in the PTB laboratory at BESSY II, dedicated experimental stations are used for X-ray metrology. At its experimental stations, PTB offers a broad spectrum of services, from calibrations via contract research to comprehensive metrological system solutions realized in cooperation with partners from industry and research.