
  • Jean Daillant new LEAPS Chair

    As of January 2023, current LEAPS Vice Chair Jean Daillant, Director of SOLEIL in France, will take over the role…

    December 15, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • Britta Redlich elected LEAPS Vice Chair

    The LEAPS General Assembly, in its meeting at the Paul Scherrer Institute on October 28, 2022, elected Britta Redlich, Director…

    December 15, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • LEAPS Meets Life Sciences Conference

    May 14 to 19, 2023 - Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island, Italy Registrations open / Abstract Submissions open…

    November 25, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • New opportunities for SMEs!

    Light source facilities produce exceptionally intense beams of X-rays, ultra-violet and infrared light that allow product or process from industry…

    November 22, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • LEAPS research infrastructures to tackle societal crises

    Villigen, October 28, 2022: Against a backdrop of the energy crisis, scientists and policy makers convened at Paul Scherrer Institute…

    October 28, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • LEAPS-INNOV co-creation programme

    A call for proposals in the LEAPS-INNOV co-creation programme opened on 15th October 2022. The deadline for submitting proposals is…

    October 21, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • LEAPS Plenary Meeting

    Less than a week to go to the 5th LEAPS Plenary Meeting! Over 180 participants signed up to attend the…

    October 20, 2022
    by cristina pereira

  • LEAPS General Assembly

    The 21st LEAPS General Assembly was held online via zoom on September 16, 2022. The meeting, chaired by LEAPS Chair…

    September 28, 2022
    by cristina pereira

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  • ESUO Annual Meeting

    The 18th ESUO General Assembly was held on 29-30 August 2022, hosted by the Soleil Synchrotron. The meeting had the…

    September 28, 2022
    by cristina pereira