Webinar – European Research Infrastructures: Engines for Science and Innovation.
LEAPS invited to a Zoom webinar on 28 October 2020, 10–12 CET “European Research Infrastructures: Engines for Science and Innovation”…
LEAPS-INNOV has reached grant agreement process
LEAPS is delighted to announce that its project proposal "LEAPS-INNOV" has reached the grant agreement process! The LEAPS pilot to…
Caterina Biscari stays on as Chair of LEAPS
The LEAPS General Assembly is delighted to announce its unanimous approval of Dr. Caterina Biscari as the Chair of LEAPS…
LEAPS endorse the Manifesto for EU COVID-19 research
"Endorsing this manifesto for Covid-19 research is a natural step, given that many of the LEAPS members have been instrumental…
Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIE) join forces to face
After the joint position paper published as a pre-release in July, in which the Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIE)…
Filming Electrons in Motion
On 3 September representatives from LEAPS members took part in a hybrid session at ESOF2020. The session focused on the…
Analytical Research Infrastructures as key resources for the five Horizon
Moon-shot missions, such as those of Horizon Europe, require exceptional solutions, and the world-leading Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIEs)…
Research facility networks LEAPS and LENS announce a new strategic
The two large European networks, together representing 28 large-scale analytical research facilities—including Europe’s premier synchrotrons, neutron sources and free-electron lasers—will…
Summary of LEAPS webinar
‘Learning to run again’ – a webinar with 120 participants discussed the challenges for synchrotrons and FELs to restore effective…