Associated Member

Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East is a “third-generation” synchrotron light source that was officially opened in Allan, Jordan, in May 2017. It is the first major international research centre in the Middle East.

Canadian Light Source
The CLS is a national research facility, one of the largest science projects in Canada’s history, and a critical tool for Canadian research and development. More than 1,000 academic, government and industry scientists from around the world use us every year, developing innovative solutions in health, agriculture, environment, and advanced materials.
The European Synchrotron and FEL user organisation represents about 30.000 users of the European FEL and synchrotrons light sources. The mission of ESUO is to coordinate the user activities in Europe and to provide support to the users in order to get access to FEL and synchrotron beamlines in Europe
The League of advanced European Neutron Sources is a not-for-profit consortium working to promote cooperation between European-level neutron infrastructure providers offering transnational user programs to external researchers.
LENSPartner initiatives

Lightsources is a collaboration between communicators from light source facilities around the world. This platform groups 6 FEL and 21 synchrotron facilities representing 22 organisations from Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia and Australia.
The site is a global resource, providing information and updates about light sources research and achievements, and opportunities for careers and international collaboration.
Way for Light
The portal is a reference website for the 30.000 user community of all synchrotrons and free-electron lasers in Europe. It presents standardized technical datasheets of all European beamlines and offers a standardized proposal format as a pilot.
Fels of Europe
FELS OF EUROPE is a collaboration of all free-electron laser facilities in Europe, with the goal to meet the technological and scientific challenges of these novel and rapidly developing technologies and to provide a worldwide unique, pan-European research infrastructure that enables exploiting the full scientific potential of these unique accelerator based short-pulse light sources. The collaboration is an initiative of the ESFRI projects EuroFEL and European XFEL and includes 14 facilities in 10 countries.
Fels of Europe
The Association of European-Level Research Infrastructures Facilities is a European not-for-profit association with the purpose of promoting the cooperation between European-level research infrastructures and external researchers.
The ERF-AISBL infrastructures are open at an international level and include national infrastructures as well as European networks and consortia of research infrastructures.