SG2 Free Electron Lasers

Goals / Mission

The goals of the Strategy Group 2  are to support the LEAPS GA in its strategic work such as in the roadmap process and to consult the WGs on research needs and strategic aspects. The goals of SG2 are focused on the strategic development of IR to X-rays Free Electron Lasers.

SG2 operates in tight collaboration with the FELs of EUROPE (FOE) Consortium ( The members of SG2 are both LEAPS facility staff, mainly selected among the members of the FELs of EUROPE Steering Committee, and LEAPS facilities users from EU MS/AC.

SG2 collaborates on common scientific topics with LEAPS SG1 on Synchrotrons.

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Outcomes / Achievements 

  • FELs contribution in Appendix of the LEAPS Strategy 2030 document
  • Contribution to LEAPS Position Paper on HE Missions
  • Proposal to create a LEAPS Photon Diagnostics WG aiming at initiating joint activities between the FELs and SR sources in the areas of photon diagnostics and machine learning application focusing on the special requirements of non-invasive diagnostics tools.
  • Since 2021 and in collaboration with FELs OF EUROPE, organization webinars on tutorial on FELs, science and scientific highlights at FELs, for students and young scientists.
  • Contribution to the Position Paper on DIGITAL LEAPS
  • SG1 and SG2 joint proposal for the topic of the LEAPS 2023 Conference, GA agreed on “LEAPS meets emerging Challenges in Life Science”
  • Involvement in the Program Committees of SCIENCE@FELs and “Forum on Advanced FEL Techniques” conferences
  • Involvement in FOE Award Committees for SRI and SCIENCE@FELs conferences
  • In collaboration with the FOE SC, preparation of a Scientific Highlights at FELs brochure
  • Contribution to the HE INFRA-TECH-2024-01-01 LEAPS Project proposal, OPTIBEAMS.
glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Ongoing Projects and Priorities

We continue working on some of the above listed topics and start additionally contributing in:

  • Preparing documents for the “Block Grant” application
  • Organization of the “LEAPS Meets Advanced Materials for Energy” conference
  • LEAPS “Project ideas portfolio” that is going to be used for future LEAPS related applications


glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Meetings frequency

Regularl meetings once every 2 months, sometimes together with the meetings of the FOE SC. Additional meetings are scheduled upon necessity.

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Additional Key Insights

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe
AntonBarty (Co-Chair)DESY
MicheleSvandrlik Elettra
SergueiMolodtsov EU-XFEL
MajedChergui École Polytechnique Lausanne
CaterinaVozzi INFN
Werin SverkerMAX IV
Luc Patthey PSI
JohnBozek (Co-Chair)SOLEIL
Gawelda WojciechUAM
Martin MittendorffUni Duisburg Essen
HermannDürr Uppsala University