Innovation & Technology

The LEAPS facilities are based on modern technologies available today with respect to accelerator-based photon sources, the transport, manipulation and characterization of beamlines,  sample delivery systems and last but not least data storage and analysis. They constitute a key component of the high-tech capability of Europe, covering critical core competences for an advanced technological society.

During recent years, LEAPS members and its user community, which gathers the LEAPS Strategic Partner ESUO (European Synchrotron and FEL Users Organisation), and the facility users’ associations, have defined mandatory measures for improving the technical capabilities of the facilities complying with the future needs of European researchers from academia and industry. These include the following aspects as highest priorities:

  • the upgrade of the storage rings with a revolutionary novel electron lattice based on the so-called multi-bend achromat technologies which delivers a new level of brilliant radiation and the further development of the novel FEL facilities with emerging concepts (continuous wave operation, laser-seeding)
  • the development of enabling technology encompassing advanced instrumentation for beam control and diagnostics; novel optics to preserve the beam quality during beam transport to the experiment; novel high-throughput sample delivery systems; advanced pixel detectors for highest data rate and in particular novel AI-assisted data handling and real-time simulation technologies

    Joint developments of advanced technologies at LEAPS Facilities

leaps technology

A detailed description of the strategy, and the goals and can be found in following documents:

 The implementation of  the developments are financially supported by the facilities and a contribution through European calls (see Projects)