WG2 Photon Sources

Goals / Mission

LEAPS user facilities are based on two types of sources, electron synchrotrons and free electron lasers. While electron synchrotrons have been established as dedicated photon sources for several decades, the recent development of Multi-Bend Achromats (MBA) allows a dramatic increase of photon beam brilliance and coherence. Technical advancements in numerous components are required for exploiting the full potential of this new scheme.
Single pass free electron lasers covering the VUV to hard X-ray wavelength range are a recent development. X-ray FELs complement storage rings with the FEL capabilities to provide extremely intense, coherent photon pulses of femtosecond duration, thus allowing for study of dynamic processes with unprecedented temporal resolution. Key challenges are better control of spectral and temporal properties to match future requirements for improved energy and time resolution.

A longer-term goal is the development of compact sources based on plasma acceleration to make some of the capabilities of the present user available to industry applications, hospitals and smaller laboratory environments.

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Outcomes / Achievements 

Digital Leaps initiatives
Leaps-Innov LIDS

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Ongoing Projects and Priorities

PerMaLic – permanent magnets for future storage ring light sources
HarmonLIP – RF harmonic cavities for future storage ring light sources
LEDS – beam dynamics advancements for FELs, coherent THZ sources and storage ring-driven coherent emission
Digital Leaps initiatives
Leaps-Innov LIDS – short period-high field undulator prototypes and measurement benches, for next generation storage ring light sources and FELs

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Meetings frequency

Twice per year

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe

Additional Key Insights

glowing quantum waves where atoms and the aurora meet sketching a vision of the future lit by the smallest particles of the universe
MarcoCalvi (co-spokesperson)PSI
Jens OsterhoffDESY
Rainer WanzenbergDESY
Markus TischerDESY
SimoneDi Mitri (co-spokesperson)Elettra
Sara CasalbuoniEU-XFEL
Victor ClaessenFELIX
Atoosa Meseck HZB
PeterMichel HZDR
MassimoFerrario INFN
Andrea Ghigo INFN
Jørgen NielsenISA
HamedTarawneh MAX IV
Magnus SjöströmMAX IV
PedroFernandes-TavaresMAX IV
Sara ThorinMAX IV
SverkerWerinMAX IV
Åke Andersson MAX IV
Romain GanterPSI
Hans BraunPSI
Adriana WawrzyniakSOLARIS
Marie-Emmanuelle CouprieSOLEIL
Amor NadjiSOLEIL
Ryutaro NagaokaSOLEIL
Laurent NadolskiSOLEIL
Michael KlopfHZDR
Pavel EvtushenkoHZDR