Science|Business Annual Network Conference: Sustainable horizons: Does our future depend on science?


Behind the buzzwords that frame policy agendas for sustainability – net zero, pandemic preparedness, green deal, circular economy, etc – lies a wealth of opportunity for research and innovation (R&I) communities. Even before the COVID and Ukraine crises, governments, companies and others were pouring money into addressing the most “wicked problems” of our age, ranging […]

LEAPS-INNOV Workflow Co-Working Sprint

Online Event

In LEAPS-INNOV WP7, we are working on novel compression schemes for data recorded at synchrotron light sources. In the process, we discovered a lot of genuine ways to reconstruct and record data. Unfortunately, many of these workflows were never shared or archived in a way that has reproducibility in mind. With this co-working sprint, we […]

Light for Ukraine – Synchrotron Workshop at SOLARIS

Online Event

Since February 2022, with the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the activity of the scientific society in Ukraine has been heavily impacted, limiting the realization of research projects on both national and international levels. The European and Intercontinental scientific community is making numerous efforts to support Ukrainian researchers’ projects at home and in exile. In […]

LEAPS-INNOV Annual Meeting 2023

The 2nd Annual Meeting of LEAPS-INNOV will take place face to face from 28 to 30 March 2023 (lunch to lunch) at EuXFEL & DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The meeting will include work package sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, for the individual work in the smaller groups, as well as plenary sessions with all participants […]

BATTERY 2030+ Annual Conference 2023

Uppsala University Uppsala, Switzerland

BATTERY 2030+ is a European large-scale research initiative reinventing the way we invent batteries. The 3rd Annual Conference will be held physically on May 9-10th in Uppsala, creating the opportunity for the network of key stakeholders of the battery research community and engage in meaningful discussions to empower green innovation in this field! This Annual Conference will […]

LEAPS Meets Life Sciences Conference

Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island, Italy Biodola Bay 57037 Portoferraio (LI) Isola d’Elba - Italy

LEAPS Meets Life Sciences Conference May 14 to 19, 2023 Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island, Italy Registrations open Abstract Submissions open  On the charming island of Elba, in May 2023, the frontiers of Life Sciences meet the cutting-edge developments of Large Facilities. LEAPS - the League of European Accelerator based-Photon Sources is organizing […]

MLZ conference “Neutrons for Biomaterials“

Schloss Fürstenried Munich, Germany

How neutrons can contribute to the development of new biomaterials will be the focus of the upcoming MLZ conference "Neutrons for Biomaterials“. The event is meant to bring together materials experts from universities and industry with experts in neutron methods with the aim of showcasing how neutrons, and other scattering techniques, can contribute to the further advances in this […]

INFN-SESAME Efficient Scientific Computing (ESC@SESAME) International School

Sesame Allan, Jordan

A special edition of the INFN Efficient Scientific Computing International School on "Architectures, tools and methodologies for developing efficient large scale scientific computing applications" (ESC@SESAME) will be held at the Sergio Fubini Guest House of the SESAME synchrotron-light facility in Allan (Jordan) from May 27 to June 2, 2023. This is the first ESC school to […]

The Potential of Research Data: How Research Infrastructures Provide New Opportunities and Benefits for Society

Lund Lund, Sweden

Discussions during the conference will focus on the possibility of using open research data to solve social challenges, and what role research infrastructures can play in this process. The meeting will also include study visits to the research facilities MAX IV Laboratory and European Spallation Source (ESS). Event is part of a series of events […]

The research road to net-zero industry

Blue Point Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The European Green Deal is arguably the biggest ambition of the current European Commission and EU leaders agree on the need to accelerate Europe’s transition to a net-zero industry. While the EU agreed to invest part of its 1.8 trillion budget euros into accelerating the transition to a more sustainable economy, it needs to get […]

Global Dimension and Sustainability of Research Infrastructures

Tenerife , Spain

The high-level conference on Research Infrastructures is part of the programme of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the second semester of 2023. It will bring together main European and international actors in the Research Infrastructures scenes, fostering contact, collaboration and creation of synergies between the actors and disciplines involved. […]

2nd ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup

Tenerife , Spain

The discussions on this year's edition of the ESFRI Meetup will specifically focus on three key areas: Funding, Access, Industry and interaction with Technology Infrastructures (TIs). Each session will start with a panel discussion, followed by group discussions where participants will address relevant questions also identified in consultation with stakeholders. There will be a common […]