Since 2022 LEAPS organizes the scientific conference series “LEAPS Meets” with the goal of bringing closer together the Synchrotron and FEL community with the scientific community working on topics of strategic importance for Europe.
The first conference was held in May 2022 in Elba, Italy, on the topic of Quantum Technology. The event showcased where today and future synchrotron and FEL radiation can contribute to the advancements of Quantum Technologies.
The second LEAPS Meets Conference was held 15 to 19 May 2023, in Elba, Italy, bringing together LEAPS and the Life Sciences community. Caterina Biscari, LEAPS Vice Chair, from Alba, chaired the conference. The scientific program was co-chaired by Gebhard Schertler (PSI) and Kristina Djinovic Carugo (EMBL).
The next LEAPS Meets Conference will be held in Gdańsk, Poland, in Spring 2025, on the topic of Advanced Materials for Energy. The Conference Chair will be Jakub Szlachetko ( SOLARIS). Conference Scientific Co-Chairs are: Jakub Drnec (ESRF), Amina Taleb (SOLEIL), Aymeric Robert (MAX IV) and Klaus Attenkofer (ALBA).