Green transition for competitive and sustainable research infrastructures

Speakers:  Jean-Eric Paquet - Director-General, European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) Jana Kolar - Executive Director, CERIC - ERIC and newly elected ESFRI chair with Opening remarks by Kimmo Koski, CEO,  CSC - IT Center for Science Joining for the panel discussion: Christos Arvanitidis - Lifewatch ERIC CEO Lilli Freda - EPOS ERIC Executive director / INGV Markku Kulmala - […]

ERIC Forum Webinar on Procurement Rules, VAT Exemption Practises and Economic Activities

Online Event

Work Package 3 of the ERIC Forum Project (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) will organise a 1-hour webinar on December 16th at 15:30 CET to report on the deliverable “Procurement rules, VAT exemption practices and economic activities”, followed by time for discussion. The webinar is open to the ERIC community (both established ERICs and ERICs-in-preparation).

Pan-European Partnering in Big Science

Online Event

A virtual brokerage event with business meetings. More info at: