European Research and Innovation Days

Online Event

Brought to you by the European Commission, the European Research and Innovation Days gathers together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. This year’s European Research and Innovation Days gives you the opportunity to discuss and shape new solutions to strengthen Europe’s resilience […]

Big Science Business Forum 2022

Granada - Spain Granada, Spain

BSBF 2022 is a business oriented congress which congregates all the European Research Infrastructures, focused on technology and with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and industry. This will be the second edition of the event after the success of the previous edition in Copenhagen, where more than 1,000 participants […]

International Conference on research Infrastructures – ICRI 2022

Brno Brno, Czech Republic

ICRI2022 is a major worldwide event providing an opportunity for strategic discussions about international cooperation in research infrastructure. A variety of experts and stakeholders from around the world discuss challenges and emerging trends, highlighting the essential role of research infrastructures. Every two years since 2012, ICRI has hosted about 500 delegates, who discuss topics concerning research […]

5th LEAPS Plenary Meeting

Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen, AG, Switzerland

The LEAPS 5th Plenary Meeting will be held at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland, from 26 to 28 October 2022. The LEAPS community gets together once a year in its Plenary Meeting to discuss strategic topics relevant to the Consortium and its scientific communities, and reflect on the progress of its initiatives, actions, and […]

Science Business Annual Network Presidents’ Dinner


Triple helix: Are innovation, competitiveness & sustainability compatible? As highlighted in the European Commission’s 2022 Strategic Foresight Report, multiple crises and megatrends are having a significant impact on the EU’s long-term ambitions to achieve fair green and digital transitions, as well as progress towards the United Nations’ 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs). Navigating through this […]

Science|Business Annual Network Conference: Sustainable horizons: Does our future depend on science?


Behind the buzzwords that frame policy agendas for sustainability – net zero, pandemic preparedness, green deal, circular economy, etc – lies a wealth of opportunity for research and innovation (R&I) communities. Even before the COVID and Ukraine crises, governments, companies and others were pouring money into addressing the most “wicked problems” of our age, ranging […]

LEAPS-INNOV Workflow Co-Working Sprint

Online Event

In LEAPS-INNOV WP7, we are working on novel compression schemes for data recorded at synchrotron light sources. In the process, we discovered a lot of genuine ways to reconstruct and record data. Unfortunately, many of these workflows were never shared or archived in a way that has reproducibility in mind. With this co-working sprint, we […]

Light for Ukraine – Synchrotron Workshop at SOLARIS

Online Event

Since February 2022, with the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the activity of the scientific society in Ukraine has been heavily impacted, limiting the realization of research projects on both national and international levels. The European and Intercontinental scientific community is making numerous efforts to support Ukrainian researchers’ projects at home and in exile. In […]

LEAPS-INNOV Annual Meeting 2023

The 2nd Annual Meeting of LEAPS-INNOV will take place face to face from 28 to 30 March 2023 (lunch to lunch) at EuXFEL & DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The meeting will include work package sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, for the individual work in the smaller groups, as well as plenary sessions with all participants […]

BATTERY 2030+ Annual Conference 2023

Uppsala University Uppsala, Switzerland

BATTERY 2030+ is a European large-scale research initiative reinventing the way we invent batteries. The 3rd Annual Conference will be held physically on May 9-10th in Uppsala, creating the opportunity for the network of key stakeholders of the battery research community and engage in meaningful discussions to empower green innovation in this field! This Annual Conference will […]