WG 6 Workshop

hybrid BESSY II Berlin, Germany

The WG6 of LEAPS is organazing a workshop in hybrid format. more information at http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/leaps

Science|Business Annual Network Conference

Online Event

This conference covers four main areas: (1) programme & format; (2) video contributions; (3) input workshops; and (4) registration & outreach.   1/ Programme & Format.  Given COVID uncertainties in BXL and beyond, the February conference will be fully online. If the situation allows, S|B will still explore an in-person networking event – but no […]

RIKEN Europe Symposium 2022

Please note, the event is free of charge, but advance registration is mandatory by February 20th, 2022.  You can register here.

ExPaNDS workshop on FAIR metadata for PaN RIs,

Work package 2 (WP2) of the LEAPS partner initiative exPaNDs is organizing a workshop focused on recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron (PaN) Data Management. This will be the occasion to present the current framework for FAIR metadata standards designed in WP2. More generally, this workshop aims at gathering a broader community of data acquisition […]

CAROTS 2.0 startup school for scientists

Deadline for applicaton for the  CAROTS 2.0 startup school for scientists interested in turning entrepreneurs. Click here for the flyer and additional information on registration.    

ESFRI 20th anniversary conference


As part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union , France will host the ESFRI 20th anniversary conference: European Research Infrastructures at the heart of scientific discoveries. The conference, taking place in Paris on March 25, will celebrate the achievements of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), highlighting the role it plays […]

14th International Conference on Synchrotron Instrumentation

Online Event

International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) is a unique, large and the most significant international forum held every three years in the community of synchrotron radiation (SR) and free electron laser (XFEL). This triennial conference is the prime forum to highlight connections between synchrotron radiation instrumentation, science, and society. It also provides opportunities for […]

Submit your #My1stLight to mark 75 years of science with synchrotron light

Lightsources.org is inviting all those connected with light source science to share their #My1stLight so that we they can celebrate the amazing journey that the field has been on during the past 75 years. Please visit https://lightsources.org, to access the submission form. The deadline for submissions is April 24th 2022.

MOOC Introduction to Synchrotron and XFEL Radiation – Techniques and Applications

A new massive-open-online course (MOOC) offered by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) via the edX platform will be published on 11th April 2022. The introductory course includes a description of the interaction of matter with x-rays, the production of x-rays at synchrotrons and x-ray free-electron lasers, and the optics and experimental instrumentation needed […]

LEAPS-INNOV Annual Meeting

UAB Campus Barcelona, Spain

It is with great pleasure that LEAPS announces the first LEAPS-INNOV Annual Meeting that will take place in Barcelona (downtown, UAB Campus) on 3-5 May 2022. The Annual Meeting will be starting on May 3rd around lunch time, the next day will be a full day of works and interactions. The works will conclude on May 5th around […]

LEAPS-INNOV first Annual Meeting successfully hold in Barcelona 3-5 May 2022

LEAPS-INNOV EU project  gladly holds its first Annual Meeting on 3-5 MAy 2022 in Barcelona (in person, for the very first time)! Over 140 participants (~110 of them in person) attended the 3 day event with different talks given by LEAPS-INNOV experts, panel discussion with industry advisors and plenty of time for individual Workpackage meetings […]

“Europe as a Leader in Disruptive Innovation” – Conference


his event is co-organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Paris-Saclay University, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery and the European Commission. Disruptive innovation is a priority at national and European level, which is notably reflected in the recent creation of the European Innovation Council (EIC). This conference will […]