Green transition for competitive and sustainable research infrastructures

Speakers:  Jean-Eric Paquet - Director-General, European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) Jana Kolar - Executive Director, CERIC - ERIC and newly elected ESFRI chair with Opening remarks by Kimmo Koski, CEO,  CSC - IT Center for Science Joining for the panel discussion: Christos Arvanitidis - Lifewatch ERIC CEO Lilli Freda - EPOS ERIC Executive director / INGV Markku Kulmala - […]

ERIC Forum Webinar on Procurement Rules, VAT Exemption Practises and Economic Activities

Online Event

Work Package 3 of the ERIC Forum Project (Operations, Administration, HR and Finance of ERICs) will organise a 1-hour webinar on December 16th at 15:30 CET to report on the deliverable “Procurement rules, VAT exemption practices and economic activities”, followed by time for discussion. The webinar is open to the ERIC community (both established ERICs and ERICs-in-preparation).

Pan-European Partnering in Big Science

Online Event

A virtual brokerage event with business meetings. More info at:

Presentation of EGERIC Report and Recommendations

EGERIC (the Commission expert group to assess the implementation of the ERIC Regulation and identify best practices and potential recommendations) will present its Report and Recommendations to the ERIC Forum community on 17 January 2022. The online session will aim at discussing and collecting the ERIC Forum community’s feedback on the report, in preparation for the ERIC Forum […]

Info-days for EU Missions

The European Commission has announced dedicated Info-Days for the EU Missions to be held virtually between 18 and 19 January 2022. EU Missions are an additional part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 aiming to address some of the greatest challenges facing our society. The Info-Days will present a wide range of […]

3rd ESFRI-EOSC Workshop on RIs & EOSC: What does EOSC bring to RI users?

Online Event

The ESFRI Task Force on EOSC has announced the 3rd ESFRI-EOSC Workshop on RIs & EOSC: What does EOSC bring to RI users? The focus of this workshop will be on how the RI communities and researchers can use and benefit from EOSC, getting added value. EOSC is ultimately about serving users and having a clear vision […]

FAIRsFAIR Final event

Online Event

The PaN community has been invited to join the FAIRsFAIR final event, taking place on Wednesday 26th January, from 14:00 to 17:00 CET. During the event, representatives from FAIRsFAIR will debate on the core aspects of implementing FAIR with outstanding representatives of the European and international research community. How can we ensure the sustainability of […]

WG 6 Workshop

hybrid BESSY II Berlin, Germany

The WG6 of LEAPS is organazing a workshop in hybrid format. more information at

Science|Business Annual Network Conference

Online Event

This conference covers four main areas: (1) programme & format; (2) video contributions; (3) input workshops; and (4) registration & outreach.   1/ Programme & Format.  Given COVID uncertainties in BXL and beyond, the February conference will be fully online. If the situation allows, S|B will still explore an in-person networking event – but no […]